Allen Nail Spa Complimentary Drinks
  • Soft Drinks

    Refresh yourself with a soft drink as you enjoy the exceptional services at Allen Nail Spa.

  • Wine

    You must be 21 years old to consume alcohol Savor a glass of wine as you indulge in the luxurious...

  • Margaritas

    Indulge in a margarita while you relax and enjoy the exceptional services at Allen Nail Spa.

Allen Nail Spa
(972) 912 0016
170 E Stacy Rd, # 2215, Allen, TX 75002
Business Hours

Mon - Fri 09:30AM - 07:30PM Sat 09:00AM - 07:00PM Sun 11:00AM - 06:00PM

Closing Holiday
New Year's Day
Fourth of July
Labor Day
Independence Day